Smith & Loveless Model 4B2H Vacuum Primed Top Mounted PISTA Turbo Grit Pump
Vendor: Smith & Loveless, Inc.
Reason: To run an MBR facility successfully, there needs to be grit removal prior to the MBR process. The reason for this is because the MBR process is biological and cannot handle inorganic material entering and settling in the basins. The grit pump was damaged during the 2024 floods which was a result of the Salt fires around Ruidoso. Smith & Loveless is the only distributor of this particular pump/volute setup because of the vacuum port that is included. This Smith & Loveless small carbon footprint grit system cannot operate without this pump/volute.
Dates: 12/16/2024 – 12/15/2025

Ovivo USA. LLC - Single Rake Front Cleaning (SRFC)
Vendor: Ovivo USA. LLC
Product: Ovivo single rake front cleaning ¼-inch bar screen and screens conveyor
Reason: The "plug n play" feature of it is the current coarse bar screen is also an Ovivo product. All other coarse bar screens will require rechanneling of influent, extensive down time for demo, installation, re-wiring, re-programming, and influent bypass.
Dates: 12/02/2024 – 12/01/2025

Azteca Systems, LLC - Cityworks Software
Vendor: Azteca Systems, LLC
Product: Cityworks Software
Reason: Cityworks Software is a Sole Source Product designed, created, and owned exclusively by Azteca Systems, LLC.
Date: 11/01/2024 – 10/31/2025

Tyler Technologies - Software Maintenance
Vendor: Tyler Technologies
Product: Software maintenance support of accounting, payroll and time entry software used by the Village.
Reason: The Village has invested in the Incode Software for utility billing and accounting software. We need to maintain that software on an annual basis.
Dates: 11/01/2024 – 10/31/2027

Ruidoso Jockey Club - Southfork Fire EOC Staff Meals
Vendor: Ruidoso Jockey Club
Product: Southfork Fire Emergency Operations Center Staff Meals at the Museum of the Horse
Reason: Meal for Emergency Operations Center Staff
Document: Emergency Determination Form - Ruidoso Jockey Club
Dates: 08/05/2024 – 08/11/2024

Vermeer - Vacuum Excavator
Vendor: Vermeer
Product: 2 – Vacuum Excavator VX 50-800
Reason: Water line repair and drop-inlet cleaning
Document: Emergency Determination Form - Vermeer
Dates: 08/01/2024 – 02/01/2025

Capital Pump and Equipment - Flood Damage Repair
Vendor: Capital Pump and Equipment
Product: Repair of the bypass sewer line at the Ruidoso Downs Racetrack
Reason: Flood damage to sewer line following the Southfork Fire 2024
Document: Emergency Declaration Form - Capital Pump and Equipment
Date: 08/01/2024 – 09/01/2024

James, Cooke and Hobson, Inc. - Replacement Parts
Vendor: James, Cooke and Hobson, Inc
Product: Flygt Submersible Mixers, Flygt Submersible Pumps and Repairs for all Flygt Mixers and Pumps, including Aurora Booster Pumps
Reason: The new facility at the Wastewater Treatment Plant was equipped with Flygt Mixers and Pumps, which include stainless steel guide rails, chains, and electrical cables for quick replacement. The EPA requires that the facility have an inventory of replacement and spare parts. JCH is the Area Representative for Flygt and Aurora products we use at the facility.
Document: Sole Source Certification - James, Cooke and Hobson, Inc.
Date: 07/28/2024 to 07/27/2025

Don Swanner Tree Service - Debris Removal
Vendor: Don Swanner Tree Service
Item/Service: Debris Removal due to the South Fork Fire in Ruidoso, NM.
Reason: Due to the South Fork fire, debris has blocked roadways and thoroughfares. To increase access for emergency personnel and utility operators, debris must be removed.
Document: Emergency Determination Form - Don Swanner Tree Service
Date: 06/20/24

MP Chavez Enterprises, Inc. - Culvert Installation
Vendor: MP Chavez Enterprises, Inc
Product: Installation of a Culvert at Paradise Canyon Dr and Starlite Rd. The culvert is 24 inches in diameter and 80 feet long. 15 yards of concrete will be poured for both headwalls.
Reason: The previous culvert was damaged by the flooding and needed to be replaced to prevent continued clogging and flooding.
Document: Emergency Determination Form - MP Chavez Enterprises, Inc.
Date: 07/19/2024 – 08/19/2024

Ranco Response - CCTV
Vendor: Ranco Response
Product: 5-CCTV Pole Cameras
Reason: Due to flash flooding in our area, these Pole Cameras can be placed strategically along the river and other flood areas for monitoring.
Document: Emergency Determination Form - Ranco Response
Dates: 07/02/2024-08/31/2024

Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Commerce - Operations of Visitor Centers and Wingfield Heritage House Museum
Vendor: Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Commerce
Product: Operation of the Ruidoso Visitors Center and the Billy the Kid Visitors Center
Reason: In the last two (2) solicitations (April 2010 and July 2014), there was one offeror, The Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber has operated the Visitors Center for the last twelve (14) years, and the Billy the Kid Visitors Center was added eight (10) years ago. The Chamber is responsible for all expenditures at the Ruidoso Visitor Center and only the operations at the Billy the Kid Visitors Center. The Chamber will also be providing a staff member at Wingfield House.
Document: Sole Source Certification - Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Commerce
Dates: 07/01/2024 – 06/30/2025

The Village Buttery - Emergency Operations Center Catering
Vendor: The Village Buttery
Product: South Fork Fire Emergency Operations Center Catering at Village of Ruidoso Convention Center
Reason: The only company that could provide catering for 600 people at the EOC. Two other companies were contacted but could not provide service for the time needed.
Document: Emergency Determination Form - The Village Buttery
Dates: 07/01/2024 – 07/31/2024

Garrison Tree Service - Debris Removal
Vendor: Garrison Tree Services
Item/Service: Debris Removal as a res,u t of the South Fork Fire in Ruidoso, NM.
Reason: Due to the South Fork wildfire, debris blocked roadways and thoroughfares. In an effort to increase access for emergency personnel and utility operators, debris must be removed.
Document: Emergency Determination Form - Garrison Tree Services
Date: 06/20/24

Jack Johnson - Debris Removal
Vendor: Jack Johnson
Item/Service: Debris Removal due to the South Fork Fire in Ruidoso, NM.
Reason: Due to the South Fork fire, debris has blocked roadways and thoroughfares. To increase access for emergency personnel and utility operators, debris must be removed.
Document: Emergency Determination Form - Jack Johnson
Date: 06-19-2024

Universal Waste - Debris Removal
Vendor: Universal Waste
Item/Service: Debris Removal due to the South Fork Fire in Ruidoso, NM.
Reason: Due to the South Fork fire, debris has blocked roadways and thoroughfares. To increase access for emergency personnel and utility operators, debris must be removed.
Document: Emergency Determination Form - Universal Waste
Date: 06-19-2024

Chameleon Industries - Liquid Aluminum Sulfate
Vendor: Chameleon Industries
Product: Liquid Aluminum Sulfate
Reason: Aluminum Sulfate is needed to remove Phosphorous from our Effluent Stream. Chameleon Industries is the closest source of bulk liquid Aluminum Sulfate for our facility within our region.
Document: Sole Source Certification - Chameleon Industries
Dates: 05/17/2024 – 05/16/2025

Kubota, Incorporated - Membrane Units
Vendor: Kubota, Incorporated
Product: Membrane Cartridge Type 515 Filters to be used in Membrane Bio-Reactor Facility
Reason: The membrane units and individual pieces and accessories are manufactured, sold, and distributed exclusively by Kubota Corporation.
Document: Sole Source Certification - Kubota, Incorporated
Dates: The term of the contract is from 5/16/24 – 5/15/25

Centricity GIS, LLC - Cityworks Software
Vendor: Centricity GIS, LLC
Product: Software License/Support Renewal
Reason: Centricity GIS, LLC is used by the Village of Ruidoso for permitting, licensing, work orders, implementation, maintenance, and support for the Cityworks Software.
Document: Sole Source Certification - Centricity GIS, LLC
Dates: The term of the contract is from 4/8/24 – 4/7/27

Polydyne, Inc. - CLARIFLOC™ C-6266
Vendor: Polydyne, Inc.
Product: CLARIFLOC C-626 Chemical/polymer
Document: Sole Source Certification - Polydyne, Inc.
Start Date: 2/22/24 End Date: 2/21/25
Amount: $100,000