Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Commerce - Operations of Visitor Centers and Wingfield Heritage House Museum
Vendor: Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Commerce
Product: Operation of the Ruidoso Visitors Center and the Billy the Kid Visitors Center
Reason: In the last two (2) solicitations (April 2010 and July 2014), there was one offeror, The Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber has operated the Visitors Center for the last twelve (14) years, and the Billy the Kid Visitors Center was added eight (10) years ago. The Chamber is responsible for all expenditures at the Ruidoso Visitor Center and only the operations at the Billy the Kid Visitors Center. The Chamber will also be providing a staff member at Wingfield House.
Document: Sole Source Certification - Ruidoso Valley Chamber of Commerce
Dates: 07/01/2024 – 06/30/2025