Ruidoso's Forestry Department preserves and manages the municipality's forests, focusing on wildfire prevention, forest health, and ecosystem preservation. It collaborates with various agencies to implement policies promoting long-term forest vitality, public safety, and environmental stewardship.
Forestry News:
Be Fire Safe.
Remove dead trees and flammable materials around your property now to protect your home from wildfires. This includes dead branches, fallen leaves, and long grass.
The Village Forestry Department maintains a list of Forestry Contractors as a courtesy for property owners. Forest Contractors’ criteria for posting companies on the list are:
Contractor must maintain a current Village of Ruidoso business license;
Contractor must demonstrate their knowledge and experience;
Contractor must attend periodic forest contractor meetings conducted by the Village. The meetings keep contractors updated on fuel management requirements and forest health issues.
Many of the forest contractors maintain workman’s comp and liability insurance. However, the Village does not regulate or maintain a log of forest contractors’ insurance or pricing. Property owners should secure certificates of insurance from the contractor where applicable. Pricing estimates will vary, and residents are encouraged to shop around.