Daily Update: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 Containment Increases and Suppression Repair Work Begins
As containment increases on both the South Fork and Salt fires, crews have begun essential suppression repair work to mitigate the environmental and infrastructure impact. Dedicated fire crews have begun crucial suppression repair work, aiming to mitigate these wildfires' environmental and infrastructural impacts. This daily update provides essential information for residents and visitors, including safety reminders, current fire statistics, and available resources to ensure our community remains informed and prepared during this challenging time.
Public Information Map, South Fork and Salt Fires, Ruidoso, NM, June 26, 2024
Key Contacts:
Mescalero Apache Tribe Emergency Operations Center: 575-464-9214
Village of Ruidoso and Lincoln County Emergency Operations Center: 575-258-6900
Fire Information Phone: 575-323-8378 or 575-323-8258
Media Information Phone: 575-323-8053
Phone Line Hours: 8 am – 8 pm
Email: 2024.southfork@firenet.gov
Fire Statistics:
Acres: South Fork – 17,569; Salt – 7,939
Start Date: June 17, 2024
Location: South Fork – Ruidoso Area, Salt – 7 miles west of Mescalero, NM
Personnel: 949
Containment: South Fork – 64%; Salt – 55%
Fuels: Mixed conifer, grass, pine/juniper
Resources: The fires are currently staffed with 21 crews, 6 helicopters, 54 engines, 8 bulldozers, and 13 water tenders.
South Fork and Salt Fires Operational Update for June 26, 2024South Fork and Salt Fires Operational Update for June 26, 2024 #SouthForkFire #southforkfire2024 Village of Ruidoso Mescalero Apache Tribe New Mexico Forestry Division U.S. Forest Service - Lincoln National Forest
Posted by Southwest Area Incident Management Team #5 on Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Interactive Property Map: An online map is now available to help residents identify the status of property access, including properties available for re-entry and those in No Entry/Exclusion Zones. Map Link.
Fourth of July Celebrations: Residents and visitors are encouraged to celebrate without fireworks due to the high fire risk. Ensuring the safety of our community and firefighters remains a top priority.
Safety Reminder for Motorists: Motorists are urged to slow down while traveling on the Mescalero Apache Reservation due to active fire operations along US Highway 70. This precaution helps keep firefighters and equipment operators safe.
Fire Activity: On Tuesday, crews observed several smokes due to unburned and smoldering fuels igniting inside the fire area. This activity includes dead and downed trees, debris, snags, and stumps. The potential for these fuels to spread outside the current perimeter is minimal.
A lot of activity is still occurring as crews work on structural assessments, mop-up, and suppression repair. Cooperators, including utility providers and others, are also operating within the fire area. Area and neighborhood conditions will remain dynamic throughout the incident.
Weather: Temperatures will stay in the high 80s with slow-moving scattered showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon, increasing the risk of flash floods and debris flows.
Smoke: Smoke production will remain light to moderate, with the highest impacts occurring during early morning and late evening hours. Additional details are available at the Smoke Outlook.
Reentry: No evacuations are currently in place. However, designated "NO ENTRY/EXCLUSION ZONES" remain in some areas of the village. For more information, visit the South Fork Fire Information Hub or contact the Village of Ruidoso and Lincoln County Emergency Operations Centers.
Tribal Members: Tribal members displaced from the Mescalero Apache Reservation are encouraged to contact the Tribe's Emergency Operations Center (EOC) for assistance. Call 575-464-9214 for more details.
Closures: A South Fork Fire Emergency Closure Order remains in effect for national forest lands within the Smokey Bear Ranger District. This closure allows firefighting personnel to work safely. More information is available at the Lincoln National Forest Alerts.
A Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) is in place over the fire area. To avoid grounding our air resources, public and commercial drone flights are prohibited within this area. For more information, visit the TFR FAA Website.
More Information:
Stay safe, stay informed, and help our community recover.