Lincoln National Forest Enters Stage 1 Fire Restrictions
Due to dry conditions, Lincoln National Forest has implemented Stage 1 Fire Restrictions effective March 10, 2025. Campfires and charcoal grills are limited to developed campsites or picnic areas with agency-built fire rings. Dispersed campfires are prohibited, and smoking is restricted to enclosed vehicles or buildings. Chainsaw use remains permitted.
Village of Ruidoso Moves to Level II Fire Restrictions Starting Monday, March 10, 2025
The Village of Ruidoso will move to Level II fire restrictions on March 10, 2025, to reduce wildfire risk during severe drought. Certain outdoor activities and equipment use will be limited or prohibited to protect public safety. Residents and visitors should familiarize themselves with the full guidelines and exercise caution until conditions improve.
Lincoln National Forest Raises Fire Danger Rating to ‘Moderate’ for All Districts
Lincoln National Forest has increased its fire danger rating from “low” to “moderate” as of October 9, 2024. While fires can start easily from most causes, their spread in grasslands may be rapid, particularly on windy days. Visitors are urged to practice caution when using campfires. Fireworks remain prohibited. For more information, visit
Lincoln National Forest moves to ‘low’ fire danger rating
Lincoln National Forest has lowered the fire danger rating to 'low' on all districts due to improved conditions, lifting most fire restrictions. Some closures remain on the Smokey Bear Ranger District after the South Fork Fire. With Labor Day approaching, practice fire safety and be aware of flash floods near burn scars. Offices will close on September 2 for Labor Day.
Lincoln National Forest enters ‘very high’ fire danger rating, implements Stage 2 Restrictions
Lincoln National Forest officials have raised the fire danger rating to 'very high' and will implement Stage 2 Fire Restrictions starting May 30 at 8 a.m. due to increased fire danger. These restrictions, applying to all three districts, prohibit activities such as igniting fires, smoking outside, and using equipment that could spark a fire. Exemptions include specific uses of LPG-fueled stoves and smoking in enclosed spaces. Violation of these restrictions can lead to fines and imprisonment. For details and maps, visit the New Mexico Fire Information website.
Village of Ruidoso Issues Level II Fire Protections
The Village of Ruidoso, NM, has implemented Level II fire restrictions effective immediately on Friday, April 19, 2024, at Noon. These additional fire protections will remain in effect until officials determine that conditions have changed sufficiently to reduce the risk of human-caused wildfire.
Village of Ruidoso Returns to Level 1 Fire Restrictions
The Village of Ruidoso returns to Level 1 fire restrictions effective immediately on Friday, July 14, 2023, at 8:00 a.m. Fire danger ratings and regulations are subject to weather and climate conditions. The Village of Ruidoso will notify the public immediately of any changes. Learn more about the current protections in place.
Stage 1 Restrictions lifted for Lincoln National Forest
Lincoln National Forest has lifted Stage 1 Restrictions effective July 12, 2023, for all three districts in the Forest. The fire danger rating has also been reduced from “very high” to “high” for all three districts. However, visitors must be aware of the risks and take the proper precautions. Unattended or improperly extinguished campfires are a major contributor to wildfire incidents.
Fire Restrictions in place for Lincoln National Forest
Stage 1 Restrictions to be enforced effective June 28. The Lincoln National Forest has implemented Stage 1 Fire Restriction as dry weather and heightened fire danger risk continues. Learn what is prohibited under Stage 1 Fire Restrictions.
Lincoln National Forest raises fire danger rating
The Lincoln National Forest has increased the fire danger rating from “moderate” to “high,” effective June 22, 2023. The measure is part of ongoing efforts to mitigate wildfire risk in the area. These precautions are essential in preventing wildfires.
Ruidoso Returns to Level I Fire Restrictions
Following the recent precipitation that has reduced fire danger in New Mexico, the Village of Ruidoso has issued Executive Order 2022-03 rescinding the extreme fire protections implemented by Executive Order 2022 on May 19, 2022. The current fire restrictions in Ruidoso are at LEVEL I.
Lincoln National Forest Reopens on Friday, June 24, 2022
The Lincoln National Forest will reopen on Friday, June 24, 2022, at 8 am after being closed for a month due to fire danger. All three national forest districts received substantial rain over the past two weeks, which significantly lowered fire danger. The Lincoln National Forest will also lift fire restrictions.
Ruidoso Raises Fire Restrictions to Level 3 Effective May 19, 2022
The Village of Ruidoso will implement an escalation to Level 3 fire restrictions at 8 a.m. Thursday, May 19, 2022, which bans sources of fire outside on any public or private property as follows due to extreme fire danger. The order will remain in effect until further notice. Citations will be issued. No exceptions. No warnings.
Lincoln National Forest Enters Stage 2 Fire Restrictions
The Lincoln National Forest joins other forest and parks in New Mexico who are implementing strict fire restrictions among a flurry of wildfires across the state. The Lincoln National Forest is entering Stage 2 fire restrictions just a week after going into Stage 1 restrictions.
Lincoln County Declares Fire Danger Emergency
In accordance with Lincoln County Ordinance 2017-03, the Board of County Commissioners of Lincoln County has enacted Resolution 2021-58 banning all burning of open flames, fires, campfires, trash, rubbish, shrubbery, or other material of any kind except by permit. This Resolution is to remain in effect for thirty (30) days or until rescinded by the Board of Commissioners.
Village of Ruidoso Issues Level II Fire Protections
Due to increasing fire danger, the Village of Ruidoso, NM, has implemented Stage II fire restrictions effective immediately on Wednesday, April 20, 2022. These additional fire protections will remain in effect until officials determine that conditions have changed sufficiently to reduce the risk of human-caused wildfire.
Lincoln National Forest Enters Stage 1 Fire Restrictions
The Lincoln National Forest implemented Stage 1 Fire Restrictions effective April 19, 2022, due to increasing fire activity and dry conditions. The increased fire danger is due to insufficient moisture and dry fuel conditions across the forest. The following are prohibited under Stage 1 Fire Restrictions […]