Village of Ruidoso steering committee seeks public input on Moon Mountain Recreation Area plan
The Village of Ruidoso is working to expand your outdoor recreation opportunities.
The Moon Mountain Recreation Area is a top priority and we want to hear from you about its continued development for outdoor activities. Perhaps you've visited Moon Mountain to play disc golf or to experience the changing seasons in nature. Or, maybe you've never been to Moon Mountain but have some ideas about the outdoor recreation amenities you'd like to be available in Ruidoso.
Whatever your situation and however you choose to love the outdoors, we want to hear from you. Your input is appreciated and valued.
How can you help?

Moon Mountain Community Survey
The public can share their input through an online survey available in three English and Spanish. Completed surveys will be accepted through June 30. Please take a few moments to let us know what you would like to see developed next on Moon Mountain.
Click HERE to take the Moon Mountain Outdoor Recreation Survey online. O, AQUI por Español.
The survey is brief and will only take about 3 minutes to complete. Thank you in advance for your help and your support of the outdoors in Ruidoso.
Steering Committee Meeting #2
Please join us for the second Steering Committee meeting on Wednesday, April 6th, at 4 pm via Zoom. We will review preliminary market analysis findings and outreach strategies.
To receive a Zoom invitation and meeting details, please register here.