IFB #2021-003B Rebid - Lift Stations and Forcemains

  1. Project Description: The Village of Ruidoso is seeking Sealed Bids for the construction of Lift Stations and Forcemains and associated site work. NIGP #890-66

  2. Bid Due Date: All Bids will be received at Ruidoso Village Hall by 2:00 MST on March 23, 2021.

  3. Download Advertisement for Bids for IFB #2021-003B

4. Bid Status: Award: SmithCo Construction, Inc.

Ellen Barone

After 15 years in travel and tourism, I work remotely as an independent web designer/developer and content manager.


IFB #2021-005B Water and Sewer System Improvements Project


RFP #2021-004P Property Zoning Codes (Chapter 54) Evaluation and Rewrite