Hull Road Guardrail Replacement Project - Road Closure
The Village will be replacing guardrail on both sides of Hull Road at the Cedar Creek crossing. Hull Road will be closed in both directions from Paradise Canyon Drive to Royal Drive from April 11- April 24, 2022.
Meet The Finalists - Ruidoso Fire Chief
Come meet the finalists for the new Ruidoso Fire Chief at 5:30 pm on Thursday, April 7, 2022, at the Ruidoso Convention Center. Finger foods and drinks will be served.
Village of Ruidoso steering committee seeks public input on Moon Mountain Recreation Area plan
Ruidoso residents are asked to provide feedback on a long-range Moon Mountain outdoor recreation plan. The public can share their input via an online survey (in English or Spanish) and virtual attendance via Zoom at the next Steering Committee meeting at 4 PM on April 6, 2022. Survey and registration links are provided in this notice.
2022 New Mexico Film Office/ Stowe Story Labs Screenwriting Program
The New Mexico Film Office and Stowe Story Labs are presenting a 3-part writing program for 10 New Mexicans interested in developing a feature film or TV script. Participants will be selected through a competitive application process. The application deadline is April 6. Learn more >>
Traffic Control Notice: March 21 - April 27, 2022
Village residents can expect work to continue on the Ruidoso Sewer Project Beginning on March 21, 2022, crews from SAK Construction will be performing maintenance on sewer lines within the area of Fern Trail in the Village of Ruidoso. The work will continue through April 27, 2022. This construction is weather dependent and therefore subject to change.
Street Closing for Snow Removal
Village of Ruidoso road crews will be removing snow from the middle of Sudderth beginning at 5:00 PM on Thursday, February 3, 2022. In order to complete this in the most efficient manner, they will be closing Sudderth to thru-traffic from Paradise Canyon to Mechem from 5:00 PM until the snow removal is complete. If you live in that stretch of roadway, YOU WILL BE ALLOWED to access Sudderth to reach your home. There will be detours from Cree Meadows to Paradise Canyon and from Paradise Canyon to Mechem.
Village of Ruidoso Statement on Temporary Transfer of Water Rights
The Village of Ruidoso is completing the temporary transfer of up to 246 acre-feet of water rights (123 acre-feet of consumptive use) from the Ruidoso Downs Race Track to Village points of diversion for a maximum period of four years. This lease is the completion of a 30-year lease agreement the Village has with the Ruidoso Properties Irrevocable Management Trust.
2022 State of the Village
The 2022 State of the Village address by Ruidoso Mayor Lynn Crawford was broadcast on January 24, 2022. The State of the Village address is an annual report delivered by the mayor near the beginning of each calendar year on the current condition of the village. Listen and view the broadcast here.
Geotechnical Work to Begin on FEMA Bridge Replacements
In a continued effort for the engineering design of the six FEMA Bridge Replacement projects, the Village of Ruidoso is notifying the public of upcoming geotechnical engineering work that is going to take place near each of the bridges. The attached site map shows the location of each bridge along with the work that will take place.